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Optimize camera capture at front door and make the automation less winded


@palengh wrote:

I have a motion detector and a camera at the front door.

Main target:
Take a series of pictures, maybe more that only 6 to make sure I capture what was trigging the motion detector, and to be able to go back to watch the photos at a later time. I would appreciate some input on how I would review them effectively too :slight_smile:

Here are two issues here:

  1. Simplify the action code - maybe do a loop (for… ?), or something completely different.
  2. Capture pictures faster than per 1 second?
  3. How would I review the captured photos effectively?

My action: which is triggered by a motion detector at the front door.

- alias: Motion at frontdoor
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.pir_inngangsparti_sensor
      from: 'off'
      to: 'on'
    - service: notify.adults
        title: Hoveddør
        message: Hvem er utenfor døra?
            content-type: jpeg
            category: camera
          entity_id: camera.ringeapparat_camera
    - service: camera.snapshot
        entity_id: camera.ringeapparat_camera
        filename: '/config/www/camera_snapshots/frontdoor/frontdoor_1.jpg'
    - delay: 00:00:01
    - service: camera.snapshot
        entity_id: camera.ringeapparat_camera
        filename: '/config/www/camera_snapshots/frontdoor/frontdoor_2.jpg'
    - delay: 00:00:01
    - service: camera.snapshot
        entity_id: camera.ringeapparat_camera
        filename: '/config/www/camera_snapshots/frontdoor/frontdoor_3.jpg'
    - delay: 00:00:01
    - service: camera.snapshot
        entity_id: camera.ringeapparat_camera
        filename: '/config/www/camera_snapshots/frontdoor/frontdoor_4.jpg'
    - delay: 00:00:01
    - service: camera.snapshot
        entity_id: camera.ringeapparat_camera
        filename: '/config/www/camera_snapshots/frontdoor/frontdoor_5.jpg'
    - delay: 00:00:01
    - service: camera.snapshot
        entity_id: camera.ringeapparat_camera
        filename: '/config/www/camera_snapshots/frontdoor/frontdoor_6.jpg'
    - service: notify.email   # send email to Pål and Eva
        title: 'Bevegelse ved hoveddør'
        message: 'Bilder fra de 12 første sekundene'
            - /config/www/camera_snapshots/frontdoor/frontdoor_1.jpg
            - /config/www/camera_snapshots/frontdoor/frontdoor_2.jpg
            - /config/www/camera_snapshots/frontdoor/frontdoor_3.jpg
            - /config/www/camera_snapshots/frontdoor/frontdoor_4.jpg
            - /config/www/camera_snapshots/frontdoor/frontdoor_5.jpg
            - /config/www/camera_snapshots/frontdoor/frontdoor_6.jpg

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Local Home control for Google Assistant leaves beta

Help with Docker and Port


@Wes93 wrote:

Hello to everyone!!
i have one question and i hope someone can help me!!!
I have Ubuntu Server LTS 18.04 with docker running and i need to map port 443 to 8123 but i can’t do that from my Router because i need to use a VPN with OpenVPN for obtain public IP.
I halso have duckdns running in Docker.
Thanks a lot

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Binary sensor checking time ok, how to add offset?


@xalex75 wrote:

I have my garage door controlled by an automation that at a selected time checks if it’s still opened and, if so, it send a telegram alert to my mobile, with option to close it immediately or wait automatic closing in 15 minutes.

The automation is triggered when this sensor goes on:

        value_template: >
          {% if states.input_select.orario_chiusura.state is defined %}
            {{states.input_select.orario_chiusura.state == states.sensor.time.state}}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
        friendly_name: 'Chiusura Automatica Box'

The second automation should be triggered 15 minutes later, by another sensor that goes on.
But this sensore never goes on:

       value_template: >
          {% if states.input_select.orario_chiusura.state is defined %}
            {{ ( states.input_select.orario_chiusura.state | int + 900 ) == ( states.sensor.time.state | int ) }}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
        friendly_name: 'Chiusura Automatica Box Dopo 15 Minuti'

What’s wrong in the second sensor?

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Is Zigbee really meshed network?


@CedC wrote:

Hi guys
I have my house now full of Xiaomi switches, Phillips and IKEA light bulbs and it seems to work fine until recently.
I did a test with one temperature sensor I had in my cellar to see if the signal would go through the thick stone walls and it did seem to pass only when close to some area.
Based on this I purchase another sensor and two light bulbs so they can act as a relay to save the sensor battery.
I can control the lights with no issue with some switches or the app (prior to going because there is no wifi in there), but the temperature sensor won’t report.
If I bring it to the living room, it is working properly, but not in the cellar
any Idea on what could go wrong ? I tend to believe the mesh is not properly recognized so the sensor is not relying on the light bulbs to communicate but I do not know how to verify and most importantly fix it.
any idea ?
I am using home assistant 106.6 and deconz (W/ conbee stick) 2.05.75

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Starting an automation when USB disks on a NAS are unmounted?


@carsten_h wrote:


I have a Pi with HassOS and a QNAP NAS. I want to automate the Backup of the NAS completely.
What is working is that I switch on a socket with an external drive.
This is mounted automatically and the QNAP starts the backup. When the backup is done the drives is unmounted automatically by the QNAP.

What I need now is to check from Home Assistant if the drive is unmounted from the NAS after it was switched on. I can ssh to the QNAP and make a “ls /share/USBDisk”. If it is mounted, I get the contents and if not I get: “/bin/ls: cannot access /share/USBDisk: No such file or directory”

Is there any possibility to get this information into Home Assistant and let an automation that switches of the socket for the external drive start?

Can someone help me here? Thank you in advance!

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Rollershutters are light instead of cover


@elyisum wrote:

I pair my new profalux shutter with the zigate and home assistant added it as light entities instead of a cover entity. Does anyone know how to fix that?
Thanks !

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Custom element doesn't exist: hui-picture


@sMauldaeschle wrote:

Hi, I have issues with the lates update to 107. As mentioned in other threads elements do not load anymore. For me it is the picture element. I already installed the preloader addon. Here is what I have added to lovelace.yaml:

  - url: /community_plugin/lovelace-card-preloader.js
    type: js
  - picture
  - iframe
  - picture-entity
  - decluttering
  - hui-markdown-card
  - hui-picture-card
  - vertical-stack
  - horizontal-stack

And here is where I add the picture element:

      - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
#        title: LIVING ROOM
          - type: markdown
            title: Living room.
            content: >
              room climate control
          - type: picture
            image: /local/pictures/livingroom.jpg
          - type: custom:mini-graph-card
            entities: sensor.wohnzimmer_temperature_2
            name: TEMPERATURE
            icon: mdi:thermometer
            hours_to_show: 168
            points_per_hour: 0.25
            decimals: 1
            animate: true
              labels: true
          - type: custom:mini-graph-card
            entities:  sensor.wohnzimmer_humidity_2
            name: HUMIDITY
            icon: mdi:water-percent
            hours_to_show: 168
            points_per_hour: 0.25
            decimals: 0
            animate: true
              labels: true
            line_color: blue

I have no idea what else can be done. Am I using the preloader addon correctly?

Best regards,

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ASUSWRT sensors not reading correctly


@MarkB1 wrote:

My Asuswrt component is working but does not seem to be getting the correct values from my Asus AC68U.

Screenshot of actual values from router web interface.


Displayed values in HA


Configuratio YAML.


  username: xxxxx
  password: xxxxx

    - upload_speed
    - download_speed
    - upload
    - download

RT-AC68U Current Version : 384.16 Merlin
Speeds are not indicating correctly nor have I uploaded 2.1 GB since I restarted the router.

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Restarting DuckDNS error log


@KCYeoh wrote:

Hi, I’m trying to restart my DuckDNS today and there is an error at the end of the log and it seems like it is failing to get the new certificate. But I’m still able to access my Hassio with my domain name. In the error log below, i have replaced my domain to xxxxxxx.

Is anyone encountering the same error?

# INFO: Using main config file /data/workdir/config
+ Account already registered!
[18:40:43] INFO: OK
# INFO: Using main config file /data/workdir/config
Processing xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 + Checking domain name(s) of existing cert... unchanged.
 + Checking expire date of existing cert...
 + Valid till Apr 28 06:10:31 2020 GMT Certificate will expire
(Less than 30 days). Renewing!
 + Signing domains...
 + Generating private key...
 + Generating signing request...
 + Requesting new certificate order from CA...
 + Received 1 authorizations URLs from the CA
 + Handling authorization for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 + Found valid authorization for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 + 0 pending challenge(s)
 + Requesting certificate...
ERROR: Problem connecting to server (post for https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/finalize/xxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx; curl returned with 92)

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MQTT - Using Mosquitto in HASSIO plus another broker?


@Borto wrote:

I’m a novice when it comes to MQTT and hoped someone could point me in the right direction.

I have the Mosquitto Broker installed and working on Hassio. I have a number of sensors displaying data from the broker and I’m happy with it.

I have an energy monitoring device in my power meter box that outputs MQTT data that I would like to display as two sensors in HA. I do not have access to change or configure this device.

If I open a browser and navigate to it outputs the following stream of data…

1586258105: /sensor/935049fff719c85cb3154cd64971b175/gauge ~> [1586258105,0,“W”]
1586258105: /sensor/89eb82d859bdfa8a7884ca6fa798ed14/gauge ~> [1586258105,1018,“W”]
1586258104: /sensor/935049fff719c85cb3154cd64971b175/gauge ~> [1586258104,0,“W”]
1586258104: /sensor/89eb82d859bdfa8a7884ca6fa798ed14/gauge ~> [1586258104,1011,“W”]

The first value is solar generation and the second value is energy consumption. (Watts)

Can anyone guide me on how I can take this stream (MQTT) and use it to create two sensors in HA?

I hope I have used the correct terms above :wink:


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Can not get LGWEB OS TV Glance Buttons to wkr


@Crashmailman wrote:

Hi all i have been working on a small remote for my tv and i have started wiht just volume and got that working now i am trying to set all the channel names. I have been trying all night and cant seem to get it , i even tried to do this script and didnt work

alias: Channel 7HD

  • data:
    media_content_id: 70
    entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
    service: webostv.button

Here is the card and still no good

type: glance

  • entity: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
    name: 7HD
    service: webostv.button
    action: call-service
    entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
    button: “70”

show_state: false

i lost the glance card i was using as i delete it but the data was the same please help

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Command_line to send Http


@golfusderoma wrote:

Hi all and thanks for the community!!
HASS 0.107.7
Trying to send command-line to RPI running Octopi/Enclosure plugin but no results.
In my config.yaml I got this:

- platform: command_line
       command_on: '/usr/bin/curl -X GET "http://octopi.local/plugin/enclosure/setIO?status=false&index_id=1&apiKey=7736C8CB4B0XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"'
       command_off: '/usr/bin/curl -X GET "http://octopi.local/plugin/enclosure/setIO?status=true&index_id=1&apiKey=7736C8CB4B0XXXXXXXXXXXXX"'
       friendly_name: Luz Impresora Ender

I got the Switch on my Lovelace but when I try to change it always reverts to original position.

If I write in my browser “http://octopi.local/plugin/enclosure/setIO?status=false&index_id=1&apiKey=7736C8CB4B0XXXXXXXXXXXXXX”, It works perfect, I got action switching ON/OFF the light depending on the true/false command.

Tried without the /usr/bin/… but nothing, removing the -X GET same.
Changed octopi.local for the IP same result.
I checked indentation, also quotation (removing, adding, changing) but no answer at all.
At this moment I’m lost.
I simply need to send that http command to the octopi with HASS
Any help welcome.

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Using Person plugin with HomeKit driven input_booleans?


@CousinLarry wrote:

I have two input_booleans which are driven by HomeKit based on user presence.

Is there a way to hook these up to the Persons plugin so that whether they are home or not is driven by these input_booleans?

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Bad zwave migration or bad USBhub for my Pi4?


@jolaca wrote:

Hi, I’ve just migrated from Hassbian to Hass.io on a Pi3B+ but after installing Grafana and Influx it was noticeably slower, so I decided to migrate everything to a new Pi4.
So far, everything (more or less) is working well but I’m having issues with zwave.
I know that Aetoc zwave stick needs a USB hub to work well with Pi4 so I bought one. I also copied my zwave*.xml files into my config directory but somehow it has started working only partially: It is recognizing some of my zwave devices with their correct names, other devices are working but with mixed names (not the correct ones) and quite a few are not working at all, as they appear as unavailable (or unknown entities, not sure now). Moreover I can’t find /dev/ttyACM0 though it is working with this path in my config file.
So I don’t know if the problem is some issue with my zwave xml file, my zwave-device-config file or maybe it is just that the USB hub is not working properly???
Should I buy a new zwave stick, like the zwave.me recommended here by @Tinkerer to @autoX ? :


If I buy the new stick, will it work directly with my old zwave configuration?? My problem is that I’ve got quite a lot of zwave devices with automations and I will prefer avoiding starting from scratch again.
Any help will be appreciated thank you, I’m quite lost!! :sweat:

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Lovelace wont show mdi icons on load


@perzzon wrote:

Whenever I use mdi icons (set in configuration.yaml) they wont load in Lovelace (lamp tile ive been testing with) It just shows blank, other parts of the control shows, such as the dimmer part.
That is until I click the three-dot-icon or navigate to another tab and back.
Same behaviour on android app, iphone and computer browser.
Anyone seen this behaviour before?
If I remove the custom icons the default icons show as expected.

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Configuration for HA https access (Asus AC68U built in DDNS service)


@GomarTheGreat wrote:

Hi guys,

I’m trying to set up SSL encrypted DDNS access for my home assistant to use google assistant and to use HA remotely.

I got an easy way to get certificate files from my asus router and it auto updates (my domain: ***.asuscomm.com).

Now I exported the cert.pem and key.pem file from the router and imported these in my Synology nas which I now can use remotely with a green SSL icon in google chrome. Very easy.

I’m wondering if there is an easy way to do this in HA as well, I tried the letsencrypt plugin and also tried to add this to my config with the pem files renamed and added under config/ssl/**:

  ssl_certificate: config/ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: config/ssl/privkey.pem

But these two options give me errors and I can’t get https to work. I’m a little bit confused why it works so easily on my Synology and is so hard on Home Assistant.

I hope anyone can help me out.

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Error setting up entry Configuration.yaml for netatmo


@chnille wrote:

I get an successful response when I integrate Netatmo, but nothing works and I get the response “Error setting up entry Configuration.yaml for netatmo” in the logs.
I only have the weather station so I suppose it would be fairly straight forward. I got it working in previous releases <0.105.

Logs look like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/homeassistant/config_entries.py", line 216, in async_setup
    hass, self
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/homeassistant/components/netatmo/__init__.py", line 96, in async_setup_entry
    AUTH: api.ConfigEntryNetatmoAuth(hass, entry, implementation)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/homeassistant/components/netatmo/api.py", line 27, in __init__
  File "/home/chrille/.homeassistant/deps/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyatmo/auth.py", line 88, in __init__
  File "/home/chrille/.homeassistant/deps/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/oauth2_session.py", line 79, in __init__
    self.token = token or {}
  File "/home/chrille/.homeassistant/deps/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests_oauthlib/oauth2_session.py", line 129, in token
AttributeError: 'WebApplicationClient' object has no attribute 'populate_token_attributes'

For some reason the token doesn’t seems to be updated, can it be some file that is “locked”?
Thankful for some support, not able to solve this one.

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Accurate Weather data


@richard-g8jvm wrote:

I’m using HA to switch power to an electric water heater when my solar PV panels are generating enough power to do it.
I’ve set the config to switch on at 12 noon when the sun is at greater than 40degs elevation
and clould cover less than 20%.
My location is accurate, yet at 12 noon clear sky not a cloud in sight , but DarkSky is saying 60% cloud cover.
Its not as if it was just a little patch of the UK with clear sky, the Sat images showed the whole of the UK had near zero clould cover.
I’ve two airports near me , Shawbury,( military), and Birmingham (commercial), both have weather stations. with web data.
Has anyone found a way to grab the weather data from airports for use with HA.
I suspect we will lose DarkSky access soon anyway with its new owners.

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Statistics Sensor Issue


@ttaidapos wrote:

Ok this one is bugging me for a while and can’t troubleshoot the sucker. I have a bunch of statistics sensors and they’re all calculating perfectly fine, any feedback on what i’m doing wrong will be greatly appreciated!

Rpi4, Raspbian, 107.5

I’m interested in the “change” attribute in the stats sensor only, it’s not calculating correctly no matter what sampling size i’m using, as you can see below i’m using 20k, originally set at 3600. The simple arithmetic doesn’t make sense. All other stat sensors are calculating correctly. Mind you this is only for deaths not calculating the change correctly, the confirmed change value is correct.

Sensor Source:
Corona-virus integration from UI

Greece Coronavirus deaths

Greece Coronavirus confirmed

Statistics Sensor

- platform: statistics
  name: cov19_gr_confirmed
  entity_id: sensor.greece_coronavirus_confirmed
  sampling_size: 20000
    days: 1
- platform: statistics
  name: cov19_gr_deaths
  entity_id: sensor.greece_coronavirus_deaths
  sampling_size: 20000
    days: 1

Actual data

Example problem

The confirmed shows a change of 20 which is correct. For deaths I’m seeing 5 but the answer should be 8. Seems that I’m always off by 3!

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