@smccloud wrote:
I’m using the new Integration for Hue in HA and I am not seeing the groups I have set up in the app. I’m running HA 0.107.7, is this a known issue now?
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@smccloud wrote:
I’m using the new Integration for Hue in HA and I am not seeing the groups I have set up in the app. I’m running HA 0.107.7, is this a known issue now?
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@grossmann wrote:
Sorry to ask this stupid question, but after a long vain search, I’d like to know how to get the “open” button activ, once I used it a first time :
My configuration :cover: - platform: template covers: volet_1: friendly_name: "Volet 1" optimistic: true open_cover: service: switch.turn_on data: entity_id: switch.grenier_2 close_cover: service: switch.turn_on data: entity_id: switch.grenier_1 stop_cover: service: switch.turn_on data: entity_id: switch.grenier_9
And the button :
entities: - entity: cover.volet_1 title: Volets roulants type: entities
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Participants: 2
@Mariusthvdb wrote:
trying to cut down on manually created groups (with light entities) and transforming these to light groups makes me wonder how we can count the lights in these light groups, general, or with tests too on/off
apparently the background cost of maintaining these groups with lights, is so heavy, that transforming them into light groups would be rewarding.
however, I need the ability to count the on/lights, so please have a look f that would be possible.
I have already concluded we can’t ‘expand’ these light groups, so I am not really confident it is possible at all.
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@ChrLipp wrote:
Hi everyone,
I tried to make an automatic backup. The only thing which doesn’t work is the name of the backup. Here my config:
- id: '1584961424173' alias: 'Service: make full backup' description: Creates a full backup on Sunday trigger: - at: 03:00:00 platform: time condition: - condition: time weekday: - sun action: - data: name: "Backup {{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }" service: hassio.snapshot_full
The name of the backups is now “
Backup {{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }
”, so the variable isn’t resolved. How can I fix this? Tried to use “data_template” instead of “data” but this didn’t work.Thanks for your help!
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@pploume wrote:
Still trying to understand templating …
I’ve read the Jinja docs but … I misunderstand how the use of namespace(var=val), or may be it’s the scope.
The assignment ’ set ns = namespace(…’ is OK, no error
But when trying to use in -service:rest_command, the error ‘ns undefined’ raise !What I want to do is :
set/define a variable and be able to use it later, in another service (same trigger …)
How to do that ?I guess I also misunderstand the ‘embebdment’ and interactions of/between differents items like service: , action: …
Any ‘for the noob’ docs on this subject ? Thanks for a link I would be able to understand …alias: 'rhasspy SetLight' trigger: platform: event event_type: rhasspy_SetLight #event_data: # piece2: piece action: - service_template: > {% set action = trigger.event.data.action %} {% set niveau = trigger.event.data.niveau %} {% set ns=namespace(test="test") %} {% if action == 'allume' %} light.turn_on {% elif action == 'éteint' %} light.turn_off {% else %} chabada {% endif %} data_template: entity_id: light.bureau - service: rest_command.tts data_template: payload: > {% set piece = trigger.event.data.piece %} {% set action = trigger.event.data.action %} j'{{action}} la lumière de {{piece}} et {{ns.test}}
Thanks for help !
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Participants: 3
@mrhaugland wrote:
Everytime i reboot my computer my Aoetec USB stick goes missing from Home Assistant. My entities remains but unavailable. The USB is not visible for the computer when this happens.
To fix it I have to unplug and plug the usb stick back in again, and restart Home Assistant (from the file editor). 4/5 times this fixes the problem.
I currently run Home Assistant in VM. The same issue occurred when running home assistant in docker on Ubuntu.
Any suggestions on how to fix this?
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@mrhaugland wrote:
Is it possible to restore the names of my zwave entities from a backup? I have all the config files. I don’t want to restore a snapshot as this brings old problems with it. I have managed to restore all my entities, but the naming is default now.
Anyone know which file this is?
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@smyythe wrote:
Hi all,
First post here after reading a lot. I’m convinced that building a HA system is the way to go! Right now, I’m mostly interested in controlling lights.
My question is, with a Zigbee radio module (looking at the Conbee II), is it possible/recommended to control both ZHA and ZLL from the same device? I can see that the Conbee II can handle both, but I’ve also read there might be issues with trying to handle two protocols on the same device.
For now, I’ll be controlling:
Sengled bulbs (ZHA)
Gledopto LED strips (ZLL, works natively with Hue bridge)
LIFX bulbsThanks! Looking forward to building something and learning a lot.
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@Salsalove wrote:
Hi, I’m new in this forum.
Can someone help me to integrate an Ecovacs robot on HA?
I addecovacs:
to my configuration, I see it on HA but it gives me communication error when I try to enable it.i read about sucks library … what should i do?
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@FlangeMonkey wrote:
Hi Guys,
What’s the best way to handle custom scripts?
I prefer text editors for this. But I’m not enjoying the WebUI experience as it converts advanced code to flat lines with “\n”. It even does it when I touch a different script in WebUI.
Just curious how people handle this…
Posts: 4
Participants: 2
@IsaacMTSU wrote:
Hey, everybody! I’m new to Home Assistant, but loving it already. I mainly wanted it so I can control my fresh air damper in more “smart” way. I have integrated Ecobee and everything works well, but it’s limited to basic mode changes, temp changes, fan on/off, and stuff like that.
According to the Ecobee API Setting documentation, there’s way more settings/attributes to play with: https://www.ecobee.com/home/developer/api/documentation/v1/objects/Settings.shtml
How do I get the “vent” setting and/or “ventilatorMinOnTime” settings to be changable via Home Assistant? I can do that from the start for “fan” and “fanMinOnTime” because those are already loaded into the basic integration as a fan mode toggle and the “ecobee.set_fan_min_on_time”.
Edit: I found this in the ecobee.py. I want to do this just for the vent instead of fan. Is it possible to add definitions for the attribute and create a service similar to this, but using the vent instead?
SET_FAN_MIN_ON_TIME_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, vol.Required(ATTR_FAN_MIN_ON_TIME): vol.Coerce(int),
'def fan_min_on_time_set_service(service): """Set the minimum fan on time on the target thermostats.""" entity_id = service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) fan_min_on_time = service.data[ATTR_FAN_MIN_ON_TIME] if entity_id: target_thermostats = [device for device in devices if device.entity_id in entity_id] else: target_thermostats = devices for thermostat in target_thermostats: thermostat.set_fan_min_on_time(str(fan_min_on_time)) thermostat.schedule_update_ha_state(True)
hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_FAN_MIN_ON_TIME, fan_min_on_time_set_service, descriptions.get(SERVICE_SET_FAN_MIN_ON_TIME), schema=SET_FAN_MIN_ON_TIME_SCHEMA)
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@nerddude wrote:
I have hassio up and running. Everytime i try to customize lovelace i get lost.Not sure where to start or there is template i can import to customize
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@JasperE wrote:
(topic withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
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@koenhaemels wrote:
Since the upgrade to 0.10x.x my UI of the configuration is acting strange.
It looks like the UI is not loading properly, more specific the automations section.
When i try to edit/create new automation i have to reload the webpage to get the page open.
Any bug in the newer version or something?Many thanks!
Posts: 5
Participants: 2
@mmenzie wrote:
Hello all, was hoping there would be someone out there that could help me. i am trying to do the SmartThings Integration but keep getting an error about the “Base URL”. i will explain my setup and perhaps someone way smarter than me can assist
Home Assistant is a VM on my ESXi. up and running I have it exposed to the internet using a reverse proxy at https:// nottherealname. subdomainname. duckdns .org i am NOT using the duckdns addon in the addon store. My letsencrypt is running in a docker on another VM and in that docker are my keys
my configuration.yaml has the http uncommented out per the instructions and i have the base url matching what i use to access the server off network. i see others posting the path to the keys in the configuration.yaml file as well and they are always local files. my key files are on another machine per my setup explained above. is that why i am still getting the base URL error when trying to setup the smartthings integration? how can i fix my issue?
so sorry for the long post
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@lordg84 wrote:
I searched in a lot of posts this issue: in Home Assistant how to create a script to increase o decrease the volume in TV LG WebOS for a value greather then 1. Anyone have ideas, please?
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@Phill_Healey wrote:
Rather than write multiple automations I’d like to be able to switch on a light base on conditions (1 AND 2) OR (3 AND 4), but can’t seem to get it right.
So for example I want a condition where if it’s Monday and It’s after 19:00 switch on the light, or if it’s Tuesday and it’s after 20:00.
What is the magic combination of
- condition: or conditions: - condition: and conditions:
do I need?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 6
Participants: 4
@gromar wrote:
I have smart switch Blitzwolf SPH6 with Tasmota 8.1 firmware connected to dishwasher.
My goal is to turn it off after 5 min. if there is power consumption below 5W for 5 minutes. So i wrote automation:- alias: 'Wyłącz zmywarkę po spełnieniu określonych warunków' trigger: - platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.gniazdko_kuchnia_zmywarka_energy_power below: 5 for: 00:05:00 condition: - condition: state entity_id: switch.gniazdko_kuchnia_zmywarka state: 'on' for: 00:02:00 action: - service: switch.turn_off entity_id: switch.gniazdko_kuchnia_zmywarka
Unfortunatelly if the switch is turned on manually it doesn’t turn off after 5 minutes (I checked history of sensor.gniazdko_kuchnia_zmywarka_energy_power and it shows 1-2W for 5 minutes period and nothing happens - it’s still on, logs don’t show anything). What am I missing or doing wrong?
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Participants: 2
@zaspa wrote:
Hello I wish to ssh without a password with
rsync /home/pi/cc/*.png hassio@xxx.168.1.242:/home/pi/cc/
without a password
I can rsync but only with a password request
I have 2 x PI4
One is running HassOS 3.12 installed from an image file from the home assistant download page
The other pi is running raspbian-buster
I am unable to transfer files after creating an ssh key from the buster PI to the Hassio PI unless i give the password
On the buster Pi I am typing the following
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo -i
root@raspberrypi:~# ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
/root/.ssh/id_rsa already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? y
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:4wZBlOyLYqRHcu7Uw4LXPoiu4QEvtbDSi3v1Y root@raspberrypi
The key’s randomart image is:root@raspberrypi:~# ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub hassio@xxx.168.1.242
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: “/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub”
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed – if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
hassio@xxx.168.1.242’s password:
Number of key(s) added: 1
Now try logging into the machine, with: “ssh ‘hassio@xxx.168.1.242’”
and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.
root@raspberrypi:~# logout
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ rsync /home/pi/cc/*.png pi@
pi@xxx.168.1.242’s password:i cant login with out entering the password
what am i doing wrong?
thanks for any ideas
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Participants: 1
@doucga wrote:
Hi Group
I have an issue getting Insteon up and running in Home Assistant.
Installed an image for Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 64 bit.
I have a 2413U USB PLM. After connecting the PLM the dmesg gives me:
usb 1-1.4: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0
My configuration.yaml has:
PLM configuration variables
port: ttyUSB0When I restart the Pi, Home Assistant gets stuck on:
WARNING (MainThread) [insteonplm] Connection failed, retry in 11 seconds: ttyUSB0
etc.I’ve followed the instructions in the Documentation without success.
Any advice or suggestions on how to get this working?
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