Hi - I am trying to iterate through the list of favourites in the new sensor.sonos_favorites
, in order to populate an openHASP display field.
My old code looked like the block below, note I have presented it this way to make it readable - actually this is all on one line in my code:
{%for source in state_attr('media_player.sunroom','source_list')%}
{%-if not loop.last%}{%-endif%}
Under the old Sonos integration a couple of versions ago this produced a list of radios station favourites.
The new one looks like:
{%for item in state_attr('sensor.sonos_favorites','items')%}
{%-if not loop.last%}{%-endif%}
Rather that the station names - I get:
Result type: string
This template listens for the following state changed events:
Entity: sensor.sonos_favorites
If you look at the source data - this is the first part in the attribute field:
FV:2/4: Edge FM
FV:2/6: hit104.9 The Border
FV:2/5: Triple M The Border 105.7
unit_of_measurement: items
icon: mdi:star
friendly_name: Sonos Favorites
Is there a way to extract the actual name?
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