@dkebler wrote:
I’ve been using lovelace gen to generate multiple card sets for my irrigation zones
gen https://github.com/thomasloven/homeassistant-lovelace-genlike so. Works great!!!
# lovelace_gen title: Irrigation cards: - type: markdown content: > # 238 McHaley {% set zones = { '1':'Front Yard North', '2':'Front Yard South', '3':'Fr. Beds/Back E. Spigot', '4':'Back Garage Spigot', '5':'Garden North/West', '6':'Garden South', '7':'Back West Spigot' } %} {% for zone,name in zones.items() %} - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: markdown content: > ## Schedule - Zone {{ zone }}: {{ name }} - type: entities entities: - type: section label: '{{name}}' - entity: input_boolean.irrigation_zone_{{ zone }}_manual - entity: input_number.irrigation_zone_{{ zone }}_duration - type: entities entities: - type: custom:fold-entity-row head: input_boolean.irrigation_zone_{{ zone }}_schedule_enable entities: - type: section label: 'Base Time of Day' - entity: input_number.irrigation_zone_{{ zone }}_schedule_base_hour - entity: input_number.irrigation_zone_{{ zone }}_schedule_base_minute - type: divider - entity: input_select.irrigation_zone_{{ zone }}_schedule_delta - type: divider {# - entity: variable.irrigation_zone_{{ zone }}_schedule_nextTS #} - entity: variable.irrigation_zone_{{ zone }}_schedule_next_dt - entity: variable.irrigation_zone_{{ zone }}_schedule_countdown {% endfor %} {# - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: entity-button entity: input_boolean.irrigation_zone_{{ zone }}_manual entity: switch.irrigation_zone_{{ zone }} icon: mdi:water name: ON/OFF (Manual Overrride) tap_action: action: toggle #}
but in the backend configuration I have to create all those corresponding entities. So far (using packages) I copy the yaml (in a separate file) for each zone and then search and replace the zone number. That works but it seems totally not “code” and not DRY.
e.g. zone1.yaml
homeassistant: customize: variable.irrigation_zone_1_schedule_countdown: friendly_name: "Countdown to Next Scheduled Run" icon: mdi:timer-sand variable.irrigation_zone_1_schedule_next_dt: friendly_name: "Time of Next Scheduled Run" input_boolean.irrigation_zone_1_schedule_enable: friendly_name: "Schedule (enabled/disabled)" input_boolean.irrigation_zone_1_manual: friendly_name: "Zone State (manual override)" variable: irrigation_zone_1_schedule_countdown: value: 'disabled' attributes: icon: mdi:clock irrigation_zone_1_schedule_next_dt: value: 'disabled' input_boolean: irrigation_zone_1_schedule_enable: irrigation_zone_1_manual: input_number: irrigation_zone_1_duration: name: "Duration in minutes" min: 1 max: 30 step: 1 icon: mdi:timer-sand irrigation_zone_1_schedule_base_hour: name: "Hour of Day" # unit_of_measurement: hours initial: 6 min: 0 max: 24 step: 1 icon: mdi:clock irrigation_zone_1_schedule_base_minute: name: "Minute of Day" # unit_of_measurement: minutes initial: 0 min: 0 max: 45 step: 15 icon: mdi:clock input_select: irrigation_zone_1_schedule_delta: name: Repeat Every icon: mdi:repeat # options are set from the websocket client options: - 12 Hours
What if any script/tool is available to feed in some configuration yaml using I assume some kind of template engine (like jinja2)? I’m just not that familiar with HA core and am not a python coder so kinda cluless. Can this be done with a python script? sure it can with jinga even?? I just gotta believe that this have come up for others and a tool like lovelace gen exists already.
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