@slydiman wrote:
- ONVIF integration discovers WansView 625GA camera, but failed to add it with the following message:
Could not configure unique ID for ONVIF device.
This camera works fine as generic with the following configuration:- platform: generic name: Cam1 username: admin password: !secret cam1_password authentication: digest still_image_url: http://Cam1_IP/mjpeg/snap.cgi?chn=1 stream_source: rtsp://admin:cam1_password@Cam1_IP:80/live/ch1 verify_ssl: false
- I can add manually ONVIF integration for the camera Wanscam K21. I see the mainstream and substream entities. But there is no any picture at all.
This camera works fine as generic with the following configuration:- platform: generic name: Cam2 still_image_url: http://Cam2_IP/cgi-bin/net_jpeg.cgi stream_source: rtsp://Cam2_IP:554/ch0_1.h264 username: admin password: !secret cam_password verify_ssl: false
Both cameras work fine with ONVIF Device Manager and VLC player.
I would like to get these cameras working as ONVIF because I need the PTZ functionality.
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