Restrict network
@mmiller7 wrote: I’m getting a warning “[homeassistant.components.hassio.handler] Found incompatible HTTP option ‘server_host’. Watchdog feature disabled”. I see many things suggesting to remove that,...
View ArticleHome assistant pxe boot raspberry pi
@At3 wrote: Just a quick question: A synology with the home assistant image/files with tftp pxe boot. A raspberry pi 3b+ configured with pxe boot. A.k.a a good working HA setup without SD card. Is...
View ArticleMultiple AndroidTV/Firesticks via ADB?
@bigverm23 wrote: is there a way to run multiple androidtv’s via the adb (in my case docker) through Home Assistant? This is not working and only one gets recognized. It’s also possible I have...
View ArticleStates.[...].state and state_attr() don't get me the same result on same entity
@linuxlurak wrote: image1797×606 62.8 KB I don’t get it. The sensor’s state is clearly 0 (int). But state_attr() gives me None, as if not existing. Please enlighten me. Posts: 1 Participants: 1 Read...
View ArticleWhat is the best sensor to get data from a json request?
@Marius82 wrote: Hi, I try to get the weather values for a json request. What is the best way to get for exampe the Temperatur out of the json request? With a command line sensor? Or the rest sensor?...
View ArticleZigbee2mqtt unsupported device
@doug987 wrote: I’ve recently purchased a CC2531 with the intention of moving zigbee devices from a SmartThings hub so that they are integrated directly with HA. I think that zigbee2mqtt and mqtt are...
View ArticleWrong domain appearing for SSL
@ethanstandel wrote: Hi there, I’m very new to all this, so excuse me if this is obvious but I’ve done a lot of Googling and seem to see no one else with this issue. Last night I was able to set up...
View ArticleToggle Button / Script to Colour Loop Hue Lights
@dylanpedro wrote: I’ve been trying to find a way to do the following in a script with no luck so was wondering if anyone could help: Have a toggle button on the Lovelace UI that does the following:...
View ArticleChange entitty value in Lovelace Card
@Niall wrote: Hello, I have a door sensor which records its value as on or off, which is not good for a door status: The code I am using is ’ - entity: sensor.living_room_occupancy type:...
View ArticleIs there a backend yaml generator like lovelace_gen?
@dkebler wrote: I’ve been using lovelace gen to generate multiple card sets for my irrigation zones gen like so. Works great!!! # lovelace_gen...
View ArticleONVIF still does not work
@slydiman wrote: ONVIF integration discovers WansView 625GA camera, but failed to add it with the following message: Aborted Could not configure unique ID for ONVIF device. This camera works fine as...
View ArticleConBee 2 stick and deCONZ possible on a second Pi and not the Home Assistant Pi?
@carsten_h wrote: Hello! Is it possible to use the Conbee 2 stick with deCONZ on a standalone Pi Zero W and let the Home Assistant (HassOS installation on a Pi 4B) do the automations with the devices...
View ArticleServer crashed- Reinstalling Home Assistant- no backup folder
@stevemann wrote: My server crashed and I spent the past two days getting Ubuntu and Docker reinstalled. I used the following command to install Home Assistant on Docker: sudo docker run --init -d...
View ArticleZooz zse18 on raspberry pi?
@cam.wynd wrote: Hello, Has anyone got the zse18 motion sensor working on Hassio? I’m using a Aeotec USB stick on a Raspberry Pi 3, and the device keeps showing up as an unknown node. All the other...
View ArticleAutomation trigger on a templated entity - is there a way?
@klogg wrote: Background I use weather info in my garden irrigation package and I’d like to be able to change the weather data provider on the fly. Question I am well able to write everything in the...
View ArticleGUI migration leaves you without a way to correctly configure the integtration
@BlinkyLights wrote: I recently rant into a significant issue where I was going to add my first device that required a network_key set for secure mode. Since the configuration.yaml nolonger does...
View ArticleGet attributes deep in detail
@jasondreher wrote: How do I get an attribute deep in this sensor? I want to get the timerLabel. How do I do this? I can get {{states.sensor.kitchen_next_timer.attributes.total_active}} which shows...
View ArticleStream / Casting to Chromecast devices no longer works after updating .110...
@Yoinkz wrote: Hi all, Have anyone else experienced after the .110 update, when streaming from a Camera to Chromecast devices eg. a Nesthub, that the stream looks like it loads but then just shows a...
View ArticleConnection Refused, But Worked A Few Minutes Ago
@Bleak_Chimera wrote: I am 100% brand new to all of this, but I bought and successfully set up a Raspberry Pi 4 and have been able to consistently access HA (after I replaced the first SD card, which...
View ArticleJoaoapps Join error after 0.110.3 Update. Please help!
@azn4lifee wrote: My Joaoapps component has been working absolutely fine since I first started Home Assistant. After the 0.110.3 update today, it suddenly stopped working. There is an error in the...
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