Can't drag to reorder entities in entities card with Firefox (Windows) >97
I was trying to reorder entities in a standard Entities Card and discovered that while the cursor would correctly change to a 4-headed arrow when hovering over the rectangular target icon on the left...
View ArticleTemplate issues two sensors
Hi Sorry for the probable newbie question. Still learning here with everything. So I have a template that currently takes away the value of an AC Battery that is connected to a consumer unit that has...
View ArticleShell_command automation
I’m trying to use a “shell_command” in an automation and am experimenting with the example from the home assistant documentation. I’ve added the code to the blank automations.yaml. VSC gives me errors...
View ArticleZ-Wave JS Latest Changelog?
I looked but probably didn’t look in the right place(s). Just noticed Z-Wave JS had an update available, so I went to update it, and was disappointed in the popup changelog: Where else should I look?...
View ArticleHow to troubleshoot partially slow front end?
So I’m having a small issue with my front end loading specific parts slowly. To be specific, Lovelace loads just fine, it’s all responsive when I turn a light or switch on it happens instantly but...
View ArticleInsteon Hub IP address locator using odroid
I’m trying to set up Home Assistant thru my new ODROID xu4 9it didn’t autoconfigure wince the red light is showing on the hub version 2) and it’s asking for my Insteon Hub’s IP Address. Since it’s now...
View ArticleMultiple Audio Sources for Whole House Audio
I haven’t jumped into this quite yet, but I’m wondering… We have the Monoprice 6 zone amplifier and it has multiple inputs. We’ll be using the PA feature (temporary input that overrides all other...
View ArticleOwntracks status in HA app device_tracker
Hello there. Have a strange problem with my Owntracks in Home Assistant. Need help. The problem occured when both my son and wife changed phones: my son phone did a new installation and my wifes phone...
View ArticleSensors not updating from MQTT as frequently as they should
I run python scripts on a few Raspberry PI which report Temperature (among other things) back to HA. These scripts run every 30 seconds. I have these sensors manually defined in the...
View ArticleModbus configuration: duplicate address, entity not loaded
Hi guys! I have this modbus configuration for 5 shutters, a single address (570) and a single slave (66). modbus: - name: hub1 type: serial method: rtu port: /dev/ttyUSB0 baudrate: 9600 stopbits: 1...
View ArticleHow can I know the Insteon address of my 8 button mini remote?
In the process of setting everything up in HA now that Insteon is gone. Most everything I’ve resolved or can see how to resolve. But I have one 8 button mini remote (model 2342-2). It has the address...
View ArticleApply lighting scene without turning the lights on
In my bedroom I have a IKEA Tradfri light, that I connect to HA through Zigbee2MQTT. Basic operation an automation of the light works fine, but I would like to have the light behave as follows: Goal:...
View ArticleA "select" interface driven by a highlighted button instead of a slider or...
Let’s say you have a fan that’s automated to be on or off depending on the comparison of the indoor and outdoor temperature AND dependent upon the time of year (fan season.) And, let’s say that you...
View ArticleAddressing array index
I’m running across a scenario trying to access an array index, and something does not work as I need to. I am wondering if someone can check my code and see what the problem is TYA {% set test_var =...
View ArticleHow to stop/start receiving data from a tasmota device like sonoff pow
Hello, I need to ignore the data sent from a sonoff pow (tasmoted), until the solar inverter is off (in the night). I’ve thought to do it with an automation, but I can’t find any service to...
View ArticleCall service: utility_meter.select_tariff not available
Hi, I try to set up my Energy Dashboard. Right now, I am struggling with the automation to set the tariff. When I try to select the utility_meter.select_tariff service, as explained in some videos, it...
View ArticleForecast High Temperature Trigger
I’m new to HA and I’m trying to set up a trigger for forecast high temperature that’s above a certain temperature. I integrated OpenWeather since it includes forecast information and it does come with...
View ArticleHA Core "homeassistant" is missing after `homeassistant-supervised.deb` install
I just installed HA on a Debian Raspi, and while I see a load of other containers running, I don’t see the core image homeassistant: root@venus-ha:/home/pi/Downloads# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE...
View ArticleGenie Error when trying to add Home Assistant skill
Ok running HA OS 7.6. Server is running SSL on 8123 and proxied externally through cloudflare on 8443. Added the Genie add-on via the Add-ons. Rebooted HA, Integrations detects Genie Add-On, proceed...
View ArticleForce Insteon devices discovery
hey, how are you? Can you please help me with something? I am installing Home Assistant to Insteon clients in Brazil. One thing that is happening some times is that Home Assistant takes days to see...
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