Custom history of solar production
Hi all, I would like to create some sensors / information on historic solar production information to build some more long term statistics in addition to the energy dashboard. Here are some examples...
View ArticleDecode Base64 IMAP body
I have successfully setup imap_email_content integration however the body of the email is encoded in base64. I have been able to successfully decode it from the terminal using echo -n '<encoded...
View ArticleXiaomi Miio: Mi Robot Vacuum Error Status
Hi, i have successfully added a Roborock S5 Max via Xiaomi Miio Integration. The only thing i am missing at the moment is a entity which is showing the error state. Sometimes i got a error from the...
View ArticleHome zone not saved
Hello, when I change the position of my zone.home over the GUI, the new position is not saved. When I change the position in the configuration.yaml the position in the GUI is still the old one. I use...
View ArticleDuplicate entries in HomeKit Controller - unable to remove
Hi My setup - RaspberryPi 4B + SSD Home Assistant Core +Supervisor 2022.5.0 Home Assistant OS 7.6 Kernel version 5.10.103-v8 Agent version 1.2.1 HACS Meross Integration v1.2.1 I was testing using a...
View ArticleButton-card (custom) + sidebar card - Why are cards overlapping?
I am new to customizing my UI and noticed that when using the custom button-card along with the sidebar card my cards overlap as such: Any ideas? My configuration: views: - title: Home cards: - type:...
View ArticleAutomation Filter to weak in 2022.5.0
After update to 2022.5.0, the filter for the automations has been weakened. In previous Versions, if I entered “ZHA” as filter, only automations beginning with ZHA had been shown. In Version 2022.5.0...
View ArticleMQTT edge detection - trigger automation when payload changes
Hi All I have a MQTT topic that gives me the input state of a shelly device. I want to use edge detection to toggle lights when the status of this payload changes. I can’t see any way of comparing the...
View ArticleSunset and sunrise condition should be easy but
Hello everyone, I have an automation where I only want it to run at night, after sunset, and before the sunrise. I set it up with an OR and it still says the condition was not valid. Does this look...
View ArticleGrafana with Time Shift?
Hi, I am using Grafana and it is really nice. Now I have included my OpenweatherMap account and I can (for example) graph the current temperature. Now Openweathermap offers an hourly forecast. What I...
View Article[2022.5] How to check configuration before restarting post update?
Hey all, the restart button has now moved to the top of the new settings page, which is nice. But I did enjoy being able to check configuration before doing so. Is that something that happens...
View ArticleShelly Plus 1PM is not recognized
I have bought 3 Shelly Plus 1PM devices but cannot add them to Home assistant. They are not automatically recognized. My other Shelly’s (1 and plug S) were added without a problem. I have been in...
View ArticleInsteon 2242 Hub
Hello. I’m yet another Insteon user New to HA. I have a Hub 2242-222 rev 2.1. Based on the label on the bottom of the hub, there is no username/password so I assume pre-2014. However, I can access via...
View ArticleShow when Switch was last turn on
Hey everyone, right now I’m building the Irrigation System for my garden. I have two sprinklers that water the lawn based on rain forecast. As the forecast is not always correct, I want in my lovelace...
View ArticleCan't install Mopidy
I’ve copied the files manually (downloaded them as a zip and unpacked them in HA) from the repository: GitHub GitHub - bushvin/hass-integrations: My custom Home Assistant integrations My custom Home...
View ArticleChange "Time of Day" Helper Values
Hello, is it possible to change the values of a “Time of Day” Helper? I’ve looked everywhere but I couldn’t find the possibility to change those values after the creation of the helper. Thanks in...
View ArticleTts.cloud_say not working since update to HA 2022.5.0 / Error Media Source...
Any script or automation using tts.cloud_say isn’t working anymore since I upgraded to 2022.5.0 and raises an error in home-assistant.log: 2022-05-05 17:31:39 ERROR (MainThread)...
View ArticleHelp with dumb AC Automation
Hello all. I have a problem with an automation to turn on/off my AC (“dumb” AC with wired wall controller, I connect it with one on/off zigbee relay). I want to connect the AC at predefined hours, at...
View ArticleMedia Files Will Not Trigger In Motion Based Automations
I have been trying to have an audio file play in an automation that uses motion detection as a trigger. I have read several posts regarding how to do this but can’t get it to work. I built it using...
View ArticleParallel actions have disappeared
Did the update to 2022.5 last night, excited to try out parallel actions. I updated one of my automations to use it and it works great. I went to create a brand new automation and it’s not an option...
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