Unable to link Google Assistant
Hi all, In the past my HA was linked to Google Assistant, didn’t use it for long period of time and tried it once again yesterday, without any luck… Nabu Case cloud I get the following error:...
View ArticleError 400 (err
Hi im trying to connect my gui across the internet i get 400 bad request I’m running it through a proxy manger ( Nginx Proxy Manager ) so like home.doamin.nl goes to Cloudflare to the proxy to the...
View ArticleWhat card is being used
Hi Is someone knowing what kind of card is used here? I found this photo on Fb, saved it… But cant find it anymore now 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
View ArticleHow to break down electricity consumption by device using the same...
Hi, I have an energy setup like this: as you can see, I have a smart plug that is measuring the energy consumption of the fridge. In this case, it’s a meros integration, but I hope this does not...
View ArticleAutomation does not run
This is driving me insane! The idea is to turn on a fan if the humidity is too high. (I am using the “choose” action, as there will eventually be more triggers added.) The switch works when toggled...
View ArticleSystem time does not match log or local time
So this has been an issue for a long time for me. It’s not a particularly serious one, but it annoys me. My system time is an hour behind the actual time, which means that any time based automations...
View ArticleLost all zigbee routers, direct attached working
Hi so I have been stable for some time and just found that only a very few zigbee devices are working, logs and the z2mqtt map suggests the coordinator is no longer communicating with ANY routers: I...
View ArticleCant seem to run ssh script as a service
Hi all. im trying to execute a shell command to make my MBP go to sleep via a script in HAS. i have successfully setup ssh and created a script in bash to sleep the mac and it works really well. (also...
View ArticleAll config files and folders not visible from file editor and studio code server
Dear all I don’t know why but I am not able to see the folders and files in both file editor and studio code server. Firstly, I wanted to upload a picture in the shared folder via SMB and the only...
View ArticleReolink RLC-811a video feed timeout - thumbnail works?
I’ve just installed a Reolink RLC-811a and am trying to get a video feed in my HA. I can access its features using the Reolink HACS integration (siren, spotlight …) When adding the camera entity in an...
View ArticleAutomation: template value should be a string for dictionary value @...
A condition in my automation gives errors and I cannot understand what is wrong with it. condition: template value_template: >- {{(states('sensor.maxtemp24h') | float -...
View ArticleNew MQTT topics are not shown in Home Assistant
Hi, I’m new to Home Assistant and I’ve tried to find relevant parts in the documentation but failed to help myself. I assumed that any new MQTT topic gets visible in Home Assistant as long as...
View ArticleNeed help with history_stats after update
Prior to 2022.5 I had an automation that told me how long the heating had run for that day. alias: Heating Runtime Notification description: '' trigger: - platform: time at: '23:59' condition: -...
View ArticleAutomation: Flash light specifiek color
Hi all, I am trying to get my light flashing a specific color in an automation. I am using the standard flash function in the automation. Like this: action: - device_id:...
View ArticleCan't load aldb for an Insteon device?
I have a 2477D that doesn’t seem to be responding to commands. When I use the Insteon Panel and go to the All-Link database and do a Load from Device, I get an error: Logger:...
View ArticleThis template works in Developer Tools, but not in a script. Why?
I have the following template in a script. When I test the template in Developer Tools, it works like I expect. But when I call it, I get an error. Is there a way to accomplish what I’m trying to do...
View ArticleNotification Automatic snapshots from cameras are sometimes old or not sent
I’m using this blueprint Auto Snapshots on Motion · GitHub to send camera notifications on motion. I have 3 Nest cameras connected via the official integration and 4 BlueIris cameras via the HACS...
View ArticleIKEA TRADFRI shortcut and STYRBAR remote not working with Sonoff Zigbee 3.0...
I have 5 of these shortcut buttons. Two of them show up fine. They have a battery showing it’s charge and work as buttons in ZHA using a sonoff 3.0 plus dongle. The other 3 pair but show a battery...
View ArticleShopping List Int
+1 on the ability to have multiple shopping lists. The shopping list feature is great but limiting it to a single list makes it hard to justify using it when I have a requirement for two or three...
View ArticleInvalid config when using not condition (short hand) with new if-then in scripts
Trying to incorporate the new if-then syntax with the new short form for not conditions and I get this Invalid config message: Logger: homeassistant.config Source: config.py:454 First occurred:...
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