Entities parameter editing
HA version 2022.5.0 The general question is: “How can I modify entity parameters?” In detail: I installed two Tuya Smart plug objects They both run perfectly, but I made some mistake defining units...
View ArticleConverting states of history_stat sensors
I am using this sensor to check the amount of time my SkyQ decoder worked last 24 hours: - platform: history_stats name: SkyQ ON Ieri entity_id: media_player.sky_q state: "playing" type: time end: "{{...
View ArticleIs this the best way to record music history playing? (i.e. create template...
I am trying to record music playing history to our HomePods given there is no native ability within Apple’s ecosystem. I was able to do this by creating a template sensor with the following code:...
View ArticleCannot access yaml files
Apologies in advance, as I am certain I overlooked something very obvious in the documentation. I am currently on 2022.5.2, and cannot access any of my previously made .yaml files (neither from SMB...
View ArticleTranslating values
dear all, I am trying to translate values from open-meteo into german using template integration. this is the information I get from open-meteo: temperature: 16.2 wind_bearing: 5 wind_speed: 7.6...
View ArticleCreate list of everytime an input boolean turned on
Hello, Looking for a way to display, in a list, the dates and times a couple of my input booleans turned on over a 48 hour period. For example the card would show input_boolean.1 & input_boolean.2...
View ArticleCan't check configuration file to make sure it's valid from setting anymore
So normal I go to settings and check the config to make sure it’s vlaid. I can’t find the thing to check it in settings. 2 posts - 2 participants Read full topic
View ArticleScript repeat for each problem
Hi, maybe someone can help me with this script: repeat: for_each: - raum: rollo_automation_buero rollo: 1493491a1ba0c1dd478f7a5d2b7fba99 sequence: - if: - condition: state state: 'on' entity_id:...
View ArticleNFC Tags with Android and iOS devices in same house (implementation questions)
Hello all, Hope you all can help me out with this kind of odd question. I’ll start out by saying I have read quite a bit on this subject but don’t quite understand if there is a solution for my exact...
View ArticleReplacing a device/ entity that shows offline
New to HA. I added a Denon receiver using the Denon integration to HA. When I added it, the Denon had a dynamic IP assigned by DHCP. A few days later I changed my mind and for some reason I assigned...
View ArticleHelp with presence based automation
I created this automation that turns on the lights when anyone arrives home, then turns them off when we’ve been home after about 10 minutes. this is all based on an input select and an automation...
View ArticleGet HDR state for setting up HyperHDR
I have an Onkyo Receiver and a Panasonic TV. Both are connected. I will be using HyperHDR with WLED. For that I need to set HDR mode on or off according to what source is played. I read about...
View ArticleUniversal Media Remote to Control Marantz NR1501 AV Receiver via Broadlink RM...
Hi! I somehow managed to create Universal Medial Player to control my Marantz receiver via IR commands. I use Broadlink RM Pro Plus to send them. First of all, I want to share my experience and what I...
View ArticleZ-Wave Interview Issue
I have recently moved my Z wave stick to a new device I have previously done this in the past with no issues however this time none of the nodes are interviewing, I have excluded and reinclude some of...
View ArticleSeeking help to set action based on manual thermostat temp change
I have an Ecobee3 connected to HA and all is working fine. I’m trying to figure out how to set a trigger or condition that resumes the Ecobee program if my wife turns the thermostat over 69 F. Below...
View ArticleRemove °F from sensor data
I am attempting to adjust my thermostat based on outdoor temperature, but i cannot get the forecasted data to read because it is a string with °F added instead of just the number and i get this error...
View ArticleHowto control awnings with MQTT
Hello, I hope someone can help me with my issue. I have 4 Somfy / RTS controlled awnings that I manged to acess via MQTT due to the great instructions by MakerMike (GitHub - MakerMeik/Somfy_Remote: An...
View ArticleZwavejs2mqtt stuck at 0.37 won't update (0.39 is available)
I have hass.io installed on RPi 4, with the “as standard as possible” installation of zwavejs2mqtt, having exactly followed the 5-step simple installation (install via link Link to Add-on: Dashboard –...
View ArticleVelux shutters and HomeKit Controller: how to set shutter position?
Dear community, today, I installed a Velux KIG 300 via the HomeKit Controller Integration. Home Assistant HomeKit Controller Instructions for how to integrate your HomeKit devices within Home...
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