How to resume status/playlist from media player
Hi, I am new to home assistant and trying to use a automation for my doorbell. My doorbell is just a zigbee button/switch and my squeezebox is playing a “ding dong” sound when the button is pressed....
View ArticleFilter negative values in MQTT Publish automation
Hi I’m fairly new to HASS. I’m running the Huawei Solar integration and it’s working almost perfect. I’ve created an automation to send my current power (coming from my solar panels) and total daily...
View ArticleNest Hello Delay Processing Trigger
I have finally got my nest hello door bell to work with the nest integration. I now have an automation so that when a person is detected, the front door light comes on. Problem I have is that it takes...
View ArticleBest practise to integrate EV-Charging information
Hi there, soon, my Wallbox for EV-Charging will be installed. It is an “open WB” system, which does communicate per Modbus with my SolarEdge Inverter - and for which I’Ve found a thrid party...
View ArticleIssues with creating an automation for Temperature
I am trying to create an automation but it doesn’t seem to get triggered. What I want: I have a temperature sensor (Honewell Total Comfort) In “lovelace” I can easily see the current temperature and...
View ArticleAutomation for Playing Music (Spotify) by Scanning a RFID Card through Magic...
Having problem creating an automation which reads the data from the scanned card and pass it on to media_player.spotify_poras_chaudhary to play the relevant song from Spotify URI. I’m running the...
View ArticleAutomation with open-meteo condition
dear all, I added the open-meteo integration. the information I get is as the following: developer tools / attributes: temperature: 16.2 wind_bearing: 47 wind_speed: 6 forecast: - datetime:...
View ArticleSpeaker group want one player to be silent at certain times of the day
My situation is I have four google speakers throughout my house one of them being in our bedroom. When any door in the house is opened there is an announcement sent out to all the players. My home...
View ArticleHow to combine 2 scripts to make 1 button
I currently am running 2 different scripts one for tv on and one for tv off. Here’s what I’m using… turn_on_tv: alias: turn on tv sequence: - service: media_player.turn_on data: entity_id:...
View ArticleTiming of sensors issue (mathematical help needed)
I want to create a graph of the part of the power consumption in my house which is NOT monitored by any of my powerplugs. Creating the template sensor isn’t so much of an issue (find code below). The...
View ArticleAlexa integration with HA
Hello beautiful people, I’m going to be integrating Amazon Alexa with Home assistant. Firstly, I’d like to ask is alexa integrating with home assistant or home assistant integrating with alexa?...
View ArticleHow Toggle light On/Off with wall switch in Homekit
Light and wall switch works with HomeKit. I wish the light change from on to off when the light is on, and change from off to on when the light is off, each time I press the wall switch button. I...
View ArticleZigbee2MQTT group not responding?
I have 3 Ikea blinds set up in zigbee2mqtt as a group. HA sees the 3 individual blinds as well as the group as a cover object. I can open/close the individual blinds via cover commands in HA, but not...
View ArticleYamaha Network Receiver & Spotify
Hi. Does anyone know how to get a Yamaha network receiver to play a Spotify playlist. I can power it on, set the source and play net radio etc. Spotify is proving problematic. Thanks. 1 post - 1...
View ArticleHassOS and Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 Dongle Plus
Hello! Running into an issue with the Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 dongle plus, stock firmware running on HassOS (core-2022.4.7). Device: Asus Tinkerboard When I plug in the device, nothing appears in HA. I did...
View ArticleXiaomii vaccum map camera not available after update
Hi, I have two Xiaomii Roborock S5 vacuums integrated in my HA. Each has a “camera” entity for map extraction. But after when updating from 2021.12.8 to version 2022.4.7 the camera entities disappear...
View ArticleZ-wave JS Working but Devices Show Unavailable
Hello, I had a power failure due to the recent tornado and after that everything in HA is fine except all the zwave devices now show unavailable. Its strange because looking ta the log of zwave js, I...
View ArticleRemoving a bogus card from the default dashboard
While following directions for configuring HA to do something with a camera, I introduced the following to my configuration.yaml: camera: - platform: ffmpeg name: frontdoor_live input: <ip...
View ArticleEnergy Graph vs Bright App Graph
I am a little confused… I used the Hidlebrand DCC graph in order to pull the usage from my Gas through to Home Assistant, what alarmed me in H/A was the amount of gas I appeared to be using throughout...
View ArticleCan't get transitions to work
I struggle to get this transition that I have set up in a script to work. I want to turn a light off slowly over an hour or two. Here is the config I am using: turn_off_jamess_light: alias: Turn Off...
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